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Introduction to Bible Truth (links to .pdf lessons below)

     Our introductory Bible Correspondence Course covers the main truths of the Bible in twenty-five lessons.  Each lesson begins with an assigned reading of a passage of Scripture. There is some explanation of the lesson theme and questions to answer. The blanks to be filled are designed for the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.  If you do not have a copy of this version of the Bible, please request one from the CLDA through your chaplain or directly from the Trinitarian Bible Society.

     The course will be sent to participants in packets of four lessons at a time.  After you have completed a packet of four lessons, mail it to the CLDA at the address given by your chaplain.  We will mark the lessons and then send you the next four lessons.  

     When all twenty-five lessons are finished a certificate and a special gift is granted.

     The CLDA has three different courses that are provided to inmates free of charge due to the generosity of our donors who desire to share the blessing of God’s precious Word to others.


Bible Correspondence Course - Table of Contents

Click the Lesson to access the corresponding PDF file in a new browser Tab.

Lesson 1- The Bible, Our Infallible Teacher

Lesson 2-The Sinfulness of Man

Lesson 3- Knowing Our Sinfulness from the Law of God

Lesson 4- The Creation of Man and the Beginning of Sin

Lesson 5- The Consequences of Sin

Lesson 6- The Mediator Who Saves

Lesson 7- True Saving Faith

Lesson 8- What the Bible Teaches About God

Lesson 9- The Fatherhood of God 

Lesson 10- The Divine and Human Natures of Jesus

Lesson 11- The Names and Offices of Christ

Lesson 12- The Suffering and Death of Jesus 

Lesson 13- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead

Lesson 14- Christ’s Ascension and His Sitting at the Right Hand of God the Father

Lesson 15- The Holy Spirit

Lesson 16- The Holy Spirit (Continued)

Lesson 17- The Christian Church

Lesson 18- The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Lesson 19- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Lesson 20- True Conversion

Lesson 21- Prayer

Lesson 22- Christ’s Second Coming

Lesson 23- The Resurrection of the Body

Lesson 24- The Final Judgment

Lesson 25- The Lord’s Day or the Christian Sabbath