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Our History

     The Canadian Lord’s Day Association was founded in 1986 for the purpose of “preserving the sanctity of the Lord’s Day”.   Shortly after the Lord’s Day Act was over-turned by the Canadian Supreme Court in 1985 this non-denominational organization was organized to promote the Lord’s Day and the extension of His kingdom.  The Reverends D.M. Campbell, J. Spaans, C. Vogelaar and A. Baars were among the founding General Council members. They encouraged their churches and congregations to support this worthy cause and soon others across Canada followed.  Currently, the CLDA’s To Keep It Holy magazine has a circulation of more than 3000. Our current President, Mr. John Stubbe, is the only founding member that has continued to serve on the council during the entire past 35 years. 

     Due to increasing interest from chaplains and inmates, in 1996 a small pocket calendar was made for Canadian prisons. Each week begins by drawing special attention to the Lord’s Day, and each day has a verse of Scripture along with a place for notes. It is humbling to consider that the Lord has chosen to use the CLDA as a simple means in His hand to reach hundreds of thousands of prisoners over the past 25 years.

     Please continue to pray for a blessing on the 148,000 diaries distributed this past year. Let us plead the Lord’s promise in Isaiah 55:11, that His Word will be like the rain that waters the earth and that shall not return unto Him void of effect. He has promised that the seed of His Word will accomplish what He pleases and shall prosper it in the thing to which He sends it. We pray that the Lord of the Harvest would grant His blessing upon our humble endeavours and that He will provide this charitable volunteer organization with the grace and means to continue steadfast in seeking the sanctity of the Lord's Day and the extension of His kingdom.